Camryn Millon is a third-year student of Criminal Justice at Virginia State University from Palmdale, CA. While in Palmdale, she received various certifications (Medical Assisting, CPR, First Aid, Community Emergency Response, etc.) and competitive awards for her work throughout her high school’s medical academy and student-led organization, HOSA (Future Health Professionals). Upon moving to the Virginia State, Camryn was inducted into the Freshmen Honors Program along with joining various clubs and campus engagements throughout her years. After completion of freshmen year, noticing her drive for social change, Camryn changed her major from Forensic Chemistry to Criminal Justice. With that, she has changed her direction to fight for the social reform and equality of African Americans, most importantly African American women. She is interested in forging new pathways for younger generations in criminal and environmental justice not only at Virginia State but also for her home community in California. Currently, at Virginia State, she serves as a full-time manager for the university football team and completes various community service events. Soon, she hopes to enact a club/organization on her campus that focuses on environmental reform and equality in Petersburg, along with working with existing organizations to improve campus life. As a 2022 Volt Energy Utility Environmental Justice Ambassador Fellow, Camryn will intern with Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative.